Cancel/Refund Policy

Last updated July 9, 2024

Yearly Cancellation Policy

If you opt for an annual subscription, you’re covered by a 30-Day Guarantee. This means you can experience the Club for a full month, and if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can request a full refund within those 30 days.

You can also cancel anytime during the year to avoid being charged for an annual renewal. You will receive an email notification 30 days prior to your annual renewal.

Monthly Cancellation Policy

There are no long-term contracts. You can cancel your monthly membership at any time. Our goal is to provide flexibility and satisfaction to our members.

Please note: You must cancel before the next billing date. We do not prorate or refund monthly charges.

How to Cancel

Members may log in to the billing portal to cancel anytime. Be sure to use the email address associated with your order.


Our customer support email is [email protected]

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